It's a scary thing, letting your book loose. People can read it. People can review it. They might love it (yay!)... they might hate it... (aagh!).
I confess to having had huge nerves when I've seen that a new review has gone up. Thankfully they have been largely positive (though a couple have left me scratching my head).
I'm delighted that a few bloggers have been kind enough to give me an honest review in exchange for a copy of the book. I've highlighted my favourite bits of their reviews, but the links will take you to the full version.
Whispering Stories
"The Wrong Kind of Clouds is a suspenseful thriller, with a great cast of characters."
"The book has a lot of depth to it, and a tight plot. The writing is fluid, the pace is fast and the characters compelling."
You can read the full review here.
It also appeared as a guest post on jhbooksblog (here)
Mrs Bloggs: The Average Reader
"It's hard to believe that this psychological mystery is a debut novel, such is the quality of the writing."
"I think and hope there might be more books involving these two intriguing characters because only parts of their personal histories were revealed and there's more I'd like to know about them as individuals.
Altogether a cracking good read."
Full review can be found here.
Wonderfully Bookish
***½ (**** on Goodreads)
"...after taking the first quarter or so of the book to really get into the story, I really enjoyed it. I was gripped right till the end and I desperately wanted to know how Patrick went missing and why, what would happen to some of the other characters, and I especially wanted to see which direction the relationship between Summer and LB would take. I was not disappointed with this book at all; by the end all questions were answered, all plot lines nicely finished, and something that happens rarely in a novel of this genre – I was completely satisfied with the ending and I had no more questions left unanswered."
Full review can be found here.
I also loved this one left for me on Goodreads:
Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to leave me a review. The feedback is incredibly helpful to me and I am genuinely grateful for all of the reviews I've received.
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