Wow! It's been a busy few weeks. But, there's progress...
The Wrong Kind of Clouds
The ebook is now available, though the paperback version may be later in the week. Still having issues with loading the cover... It's been 3/4 ready since the end of October, but I was concentrating on book 2 edits and didn't manage to do the final few stages to get this one back in the wild. Anyway, at the weekend, I bit the bullet and uploaded everything.
The Trilogy
Book 1
Is back from my editor (in truth, it has been for some time!) with only minor changes to make/accept.
I'm progressing the cover and have been giving feedback on early versions. I'm getting quite excited about it now!
Book 2
Is back to my editor for a final look. I've also started the ball rolling on the cover.
Book 3
I'm about to start my last major edits on it. I've had it back from my editor with comments/feedback. Now I have a month to six weeks of sorting things out (essentially, ~20 days' work, based on how long other edits have taken, but I don't get to work at this 5 days a week because of other commitments).
I've started the ball rolling on this cover too!
It's all coming together. I'm still aiming to get the whole trilogy published in February/early March, after which I will need a holiday!
Subscribers to the newsletter have already had chapter 1 of the first book. I'll be sending out chapters 2 and 3 over the next couple of months, so if you want a sneak preview of what's in store, sign up in the form below. (Don't worry, I'll repeat the link to the first chapter again, so you won't have missed out if you sign up now).
Oh, and my boots are ready! I'll be collecting them on Saturday!
The Wrong Kind of Clouds
The ebook is now available, though the paperback version may be later in the week. Still having issues with loading the cover... It's been 3/4 ready since the end of October, but I was concentrating on book 2 edits and didn't manage to do the final few stages to get this one back in the wild. Anyway, at the weekend, I bit the bullet and uploaded everything.
The Trilogy
Book 1
Is back from my editor (in truth, it has been for some time!) with only minor changes to make/accept.
I'm progressing the cover and have been giving feedback on early versions. I'm getting quite excited about it now!
Book 2
Is back to my editor for a final look. I've also started the ball rolling on the cover.
Book 3
I'm about to start my last major edits on it. I've had it back from my editor with comments/feedback. Now I have a month to six weeks of sorting things out (essentially, ~20 days' work, based on how long other edits have taken, but I don't get to work at this 5 days a week because of other commitments).
I've started the ball rolling on this cover too!
It's all coming together. I'm still aiming to get the whole trilogy published in February/early March, after which I will need a holiday!
Subscribers to the newsletter have already had chapter 1 of the first book. I'll be sending out chapters 2 and 3 over the next couple of months, so if you want a sneak preview of what's in store, sign up in the form below. (Don't worry, I'll repeat the link to the first chapter again, so you won't have missed out if you sign up now).
Oh, and my boots are ready! I'll be collecting them on Saturday!
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