Author interview with Eleanor Rousseau

I'm delighted to share this interview with Eleanor Rousseau with you. Her new book, Heroes and a Hellhound: Book 1 comes out today!

Tell me more about your book?

The main character is Nevaeh St.Claire. She’s a ‘hellhound’ which is actually considered to be a derogatory term among demons for the subspecies that she’s a part of. This is one of the many reasons she’s glad that she escaped hell after her enemy dragged her there. Free from demonic influence, she currently has a life and even friends who also have cool powers. The only downside is the fact those friends like to use their powers to fight crime, and they usually drag Nevaeh into their escapades.

What prompted you to write it?

Initially, it was one of those ‘if you could be a superhero, what would your powers be’ conversations. During which I concluded that I would make an absolutely terrible superhero.

What are you working on at the moment? Are there already plans for the next book after this one?

Book two is definitely in the works, and I am very excited about it. But I also have another project I’m pretty excited about, it is my first foray into the world of crime fiction, but there are also elements of fantasy and Arthurian lore mixed in.

When did you first start writing? And what made you start?

Probably when I was 12, which was when I became completely obsessed with books. I went from hardly ever reading to constantly having my nose in a book. Moving on to writing was a pretty natural progression after that.

What was the first full-length novel you ever wrote? (I realise this may not be the same as the first book you have had published!)

It was a book about a demon-hunter who fell in love with a dragon shifter. It actually wasn’t bad, considering I was 13 when I wrote it.

Which is your favourite secondary character in your book, and why is it your favourite?

Probably Pete. He is Nevaeh’s sweet but dim German Shepard. He is the exact opposite of her, but she loves him anyway. Their bond is unshakable.

Where is your ideal writing space?

Curled up on the sofa in front of a fire.

And now for some more random questions... 

What’s your radio tuned to most often?

I do often tell Alexa to tune into Disney music. Otherwise, I’m currently really into Dermont Kennedy.

You’re stranded on an island. You can choose one of the following three things. Which do you choose and why?

1. Limitless supply of paper and pens.

2. A computer which will never run out of battery and which can access the internet, but you can’t post anything/get help via it, only read what others have put up.

3. An endless supply of loo roll.

2 - I’m always glued to my laptop.

You can only wear one of the following colours for the rest of your life. Which colour do you choose? Yellow. Orange. Green. White. Pink.

Probably green. I own a lot of olive green clothes.

Cats or dogs?


City or country?


Real book or e-book?

Ebooks. Sorry paperbacks.

Fountain pen or biro?

Fountain pen

Thanks very much for letting me bombard you with questions!

You can keep up to date with Eleanor here:

And check out her event that's running tonight at:

Heroes and Hellhounds is released today!

[US readers click here]
