This round of edits of "Invasion: Guardians of The Realm 4" are done. The ms is back to Fiona for a final sweep; the cover is close to being finalised. So now I am looking for some cheerleaders to read an advanced copy before it's published.
Anyone up for it? Ideally, you'll have read (and enjoyed and reviewed) the rest of the Guardians of The Realm trilogy, and be prepared to shout about this one from the treetops (or social media or Amazon or Goodreads etc.).
Fit the bill? Let me know and I will send you an advanced copy of the ebook for free. All I ask is that if you enjoy it, you spread the word (and if you don't enjoy it, maybe just keep quiet!).
Trying to be found in the gazillion books out there is nigh on impossible, even with a big marketing budget (which I don't have). I have to rely a lot on word-of-mouth and reviews. Please, if you've read any of my books, leave me a review? It doesn't have to be long. But it does make all the difference to me.
Want to be in my cheerleader team? Drop me a note using the contact form on the right and I will get back to you!

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