Author Interview with Erin Mcdermott

I am so pleased this week to introduce Erin Mcdermott to you. Her latest book Hades' Cult was just released.

Tell me more about your new book?

On March 3rd, my newest book, Hades’ Cult (The Athana Chronicles Book Two) released! I’m so excited for this release. The first book in the series, Hades’ Deception, follows the story of Claire Wild, a girl who is swept away from her simple life into a world of immortals. She is an ordinary girl who needs to learn how to be extraordinary, and she needs to learn fast in order to stay alive. Cue Jason – the sexy descendant of the ancient Greek hero Achilles. He can train her to become more than she ever was before, but can she handle his intense training methods?

What prompted you to write it?

I majored in history in college with a focus on Ancient Greece. I absolutely fell in love with that time period. Reading the stories that people of that time created was absolutely fascinating. Their religion resembled a soap opera – how could you not love it? So, I love delving into the minds of the religious world the Ancient Greeks created while adding my own modern twist to it.

What are you working on at the moment? Are there already plans for the next book after this one?

I’m currently working on the next book in The Athana Chronicles. As of now it has no name, but I plan to release it by June, 2021.

When did you first start writing? And what made you start?

I have been writing since I was in third grade. I remember watching my brother’s Little League Baseball games and being bored out of my mind! I didn’t have a computer so to entertain myself so I wrote with a pen on blank paper while watching him play. I was a huge fan of The Little House on the Prairie books, so my writing was influenced by that. My first book, though definitely not published, was finished in third grade. It was a series of stories about my life, following the format of The Little House on the Prairie. I still have those pages today and I LOVE looking back at them.

Which is your favourite secondary character in your book, and why is it your favourite?

My favourite secondary character in the Athana Chronicles isn’t introduced until the second book. Her name is Candace, and I love her because she puts up a hard front, but there’s so much more to her. It’s just difficult to break her shell.

What’s the best bit of advice you’ve ever been given? (not necessarily writing-related!)

Oh, this is an easy one. Before publishing my first book, Captive Rebel, I found it difficult to actually finish a book. It wasn’t until someone told me to write my first draft with the screen black so I wouldn’t feel compelled to edit that I finally completed my novel. I had to accept that my first draft would be crap, but I couldn't edit a blank page. The advice I received was, word for word, “Pretend your book is a sandbox. Draft one is filling the box with sand. Draft two is building the sand castle.”

And now for some more random questions...
What’s your radio tuned to most often? 

Lord of The Rings soundtrack on Pandora. Soundtracks of movies like Avatar, Star Wars, and Indian Jones are all on this station. It really gets me into the adventurous vibe my books take on.

You can only wear one of the following colours for the rest of your life. Which colour do you choose?
Yellow. Orange. Green. White. Pink.


Cats or dogs?

Both 😃

Thanks very much for letting me bombard you with questions!

Catch up with Erin at all of the following places:

Website: Erin McDermott
Amazon Author Page:

Book links:

Hades’ Deception (UK)
Hades' Deception (US)

Hades' Cult (UK)
Hades' Cult (US)


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