I didn't think I'd get there but at the weekend, I finished the first edit of Realm #5 (a structural edit). Because life happens, I've had to push the date I'm sending it off to my editor back a week, but I've just started on my second edit. The second edit is the "use all the right words" one!
I'm probably going to take the rest of November off after the ms goes away. I'm tired. I need a break. And I need to rediscover my love of writing a little bit, and feel less like I'm on a treadmill. I still have a gazillion writing goals (and not enough time to complete them), but I definitely need a break. Mind you, I know me, and I'll probably end up taking a week off and then getting stuck into something long before the end of November.
But I have to say, I feel a whole let better now that I've got through the structural edit. It's always more difficult than the line-edits.

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