I know, I know... I've been AWOL for a month. But the audiobook for Aeron Returns is finally available! I actually got the recordings finished a while back, but processing got interrupted by various family visits and a very unexpected funeral. It all got loaded up to ACX (Audible) and Findaway (distributor to a whole heap of places) and they've now passed all the files and it's available to buy.
If you're not in Audible, it still seems like the best way to get it is to buy the ebook and get the audiobook for a huge discount (I'm not sure it's brilliant for me as I only get about tuppence when people pay the full price for the audiobook, but hey...).
If you're not in Audible, but would like a free 30d trial... read on.
Now, this is me being a little bit cheeky, but if you are deciding to join Audible, and you use the links below to get a 30 day free trial, and you choose Aegyir Rises or Aeron Returns as your first book, then I do get a small reward. And you still get 30 days free, with no commitment. And it hasn't cost you anything extra, but I maybe get just enough encouragement to keep on writing and not give it all up. 😊
Aegyir Rises as your first book - US customers
Aegyir Rises as your first book - UK customers
Aeron Returns as your first book - US customers
Aeron Returns as your first book - UK customers
I will also be offering some codes to my newsletter readers to get a free copy at Authors Direct. Not on my mailing list? Fill in the form below. I only send out something once a month and it's usually a combination of my news, any offers on my books, plus information on bundles of other books and audiobooks you might be interested in. And you'll get a free novella telling you what really happened with Aeron and Aegyir the first time around.

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