In fact, by the time this posts, I should have re-recorded the handful of bits for "Chaos" I need to do, so all of the recording will be done!!!
I will be so pleased when that happens. The main heating in the room with the recording tent, is an air-to-air heat pump which isn't silent, so can't be on when I'm recording, and it gets cold in that room! In fact, that's the main reason I went ahead and recorded all the books and didn't stop to do the processing/edits of each before starting the next. I'll leave the recording tent up until all the processing is done too, just because it's such a faff to put it all back up again, and you could bet your bottom dollar that if I took it down, I'd find I had a sentence or two to re-do!
It will probably take me until the end of the year to finish all the editing/processing of the files - I have three books to do: "War", "Invasion" and "Chaos". Has it been worth my time and effort? Um, maybe. Maybe not. I guess they don't have a shelf-life. My brain wasn't feeling at all creative after losing my father, so it filled in time when I couldn't write. Sales are very low at the moment, but that means they can only go up. Will I do it again, for any other books I write? Probably. Since I read a book aloud as part of a final proofread/edit, I may as well record it (that's what I did with "Chaos").
So what's next?
I cannot do full days on the editing/processing. It's mind-numbingly slow and tedious, and I start to make mistakes after a while. I sorted out a "notebook for playing in" a couple of weeks ago and I've been scribbling a bit some nights. The little people who live in my head are stirring, finally. There may actually be too many little people stirring in my head, but we'll see. It's just a relief that they haven't left permanently.
The plan is to edit/process until I start to get totally fed up, then allow myself some playtime, and see if anything starts to firm up into an actual plot. I still have "A Promise Through Time" to edit, and that will come first, but it would be good to have something else on the boil for when that's finished.

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